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Green energy
sources for B.C.

Why B.C. needs
green energy

Why BC Hydro
can't supply it

Articles of interest

answers to
persistent myths

Who stands
in the way?

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By neglecting our potential
we’re neglecting the future

B.C.’s potential for green energy surpasses most parts of the world. But many other countries surpass us in experience. They’ve proven green energy works within stringent environmental standards. We can follow their example and learn from their experience.

Some European countries, for example, are world leaders in both wind-generated energy and environmental awareness. In the pristine Alps, meanwhile, almost every stream and river has a run-of-river hydro project.

Countries like Iceland and the Philippines, as well as the U.S., are well ahead of us in geothermal energy. Portugal, Denmark, Australia, the UK and the U.S. have taken the lead in developing electricity from waves and the tide.

B.C.’s potential for clean electricity is incredibly rich. So rich, in fact, that B.C. could set an international example for sustainable living.

Green power is nothing new or revolutionary. B.C. can learn from others who have led the way. By following their example we can realize B.C.’s tremendous potential for clean, renewable electricity.

Next page: Why BC Hydro can't supply green energy