About us
B.C. Citizens for Green Energy (BCCGE) is a volunteer group representing a cross-section of British Columbians concerned about our province’s energy future — specifically our clean, green, renewable electricity future.
The group came together in late 2007 and was officially launched in March 2008 with the unveiling of a B.C. Citizens for Green Energy website....
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Our co-spokespersons
Bruce Sanderson, BCCGE co-spokesperson
North Vancouver resident Bruce Sanderson is President & CEO of FiberLynx Communications, a data connectivity and telecom company in Vancouver. He’s married with an adult son and two grandchildren. His concern with B.C.’s energy future began with the volatility of oil prices and supply. Al Gore’s film about global warming, An Inconvenient Truth, added an environmental perspective. “Even if only part of Gore’s message were true, we’d have a very serious problem,” Bruce says. He believes public awareness is vital for B.C. to provide for the future while protecting the planet.
David Field, BCCGE co-spokesperson
Burnaby resident David Field is president of two companies and is currently establishing a refugee and immigrant outreach society to help newcomers to Canada. An outdoor enthusiast who grew up in Ontario, David witnessed first-hand how hundreds of lakes were being poisoned by acid rain. His environmental awareness helps him appreciate the benefits of renewable electricity. “Each of us must focus on lowering our carbon footprint for the sake of future generations,” he says. “Encouraging green energy will help us accomplish this.”
Gene Vickers, BCCGE co-spokesperson
A former RCMP officer, Gene Vickers now works in auto sales. But he’s probably best known as a motivational speaker who captivates audiences with a combination of inspiration and stand-up comedy. Gene has won numerous volunteer awards including the Governor General’s Queen’s Jubilee Medal. Married for over 32 years, he and his wife have a son and three daughters. ”I encourage people to be the best they can be,” Gene says. “And when I look at the green potential of our province, I know we can do better job of providing for the future.”
Our Steering Committee
Dana Berson, BCCGE Steering Commitee
Dana Berson is an employment services counsellor who plans to enter the health field after completing her registered massage therapy program and a BA in health sciences. A lifelong resident of Abbotsford, she became concerned about energy and environmental issues when the Sumas 2 proposal threatened her region with a heavily polluting gas-fired electricity generating plant. Dana and her husband enjoy outdoor activities, especially hiking and camping. “We really appreciate what B.C. has to offer,” she says. “We want to help future generations enjoy the same quality of life.”
Ray Davis, BCCGE Steering Commitee
Now residing in Chilliwack, Ray Davis has lived in Edmonton, Victoria and Abbotsford. He worked for CIBC and the British Columbia Lions Society for Children with Disabilities before joining Moss Electric. Ray’s hobbies include participation in the Society for Creative Anachronism, a group that relives the society of pre-17th century Europe. His fondness for the past doesn’t preclude concern about the future. “If anything, it gives me a sense of perspective,” Ray says. “I support green initiatives and, as a father, I want to ensure there are sustainable resources for coming generations.”generations enjoy the same quality of life.”
Pamela Gardner, BCCGE Steering Commitee
With an education in economics, political science and kinesiology, Pamela Gardner is a certified orthotist who runs her own business. Her past volunteer work has included serving on the Burnaby Hospital Board of Trustees and the Rick Hansen Man in Motion Committee. She’s currently on the boards of the Rotary Club and the College of Denturists of British Columbia. Pamela believes climate change will be one of the key challenges of our time. “But when it comes to producing energy,” she says, “British Columbia is ideally poised to meet this challenge.”
Tia Harceg, BCCGE Steering Commitee
Creston resident Tia Harceg works for the Regional District of Central Kootenay as both an office worker and fitness instructor. In addition she’s a rehabilitation assistant and off-ice trainer for the Creston Thunder Cats Junior B hockey team. Not surprisingly for such an active, health-conscious person, Tia plays outdoor sports in her spare time. “Environmental health is often overshadowed by individual health, but it’s still very important,” she says. “We’re fortunate to live in B.C. because we have the resources to provide greener energy and therefore improve our overall health.”
Yolanda Lora, BCCGE Steering Commitee
In the 16 years following her arrival from Mexico City, Yolanda Lora has lived all over the Lower Mainland, finally settling in Maple Ridge. Married with three children, she’s an executive assistant with an employment agency. She volunteers with Scouts and, when possible, her kids’ school.
“Since coming here I’ve found so much to appreciate: natural beauty, plentiful resources and a high standard of living,” Yolanda says. “This is a place where we can take the time to develop resources properly for the sake of our kids, and theirs too.”
Jay McGarva, BCCGE Steering Commitee
Maple Ridge resident Jay McGarva worked in real estate and ran her own business before becoming district manager of a monument company. A very busy volunteer schedule has included kids’ sports, Boy Scouts, Girl Guides and the Burnaby Board of Trade. She’s a recipient of the City of Burnaby Volunteer Award and president of the Burnaby Symphony Orchestra. Jay has two adult children and a granddaughter. “When you think of it, energy and the environment each affect so many aspects of life,” she says. “We have to make sure they complement each other.”
Fred Reemeyer, BCCGE Steering Commitee
With 25 years in the mobile radio communications business, Fred Reemeyer has travelled B.C. extensively, seeing many remote communities. Partly as a result, the father of two teens became concerned about sustainability. “In my business I’ve had the opportunity to learn about alternative energy sources and find it fascinating,” he says. “I’ve followed the progress of run of river, I’ve seen how solar can displace diesel and I’m becoming more interested in tidal energy. I don’t think enough people realize how much this can mean to people in isolated areas.”
Robert Ruf, BCCGE Steering Commitee
A past appointee to the provincial Citizens’ Conservation Council on Climate Action, Robert Ruf is currently the Director of Enrolment Services and Registrar at Bow Valley College and resides in Calgary with his wife and son. Robert’s awareness of green energy began in the early 1980s while working at a Canada Agriculture research station which housed a wind turbine. His interest grew during MBA studies in science and technology. “A transition to green energy is not only essential for our planet but will bolster the economy,” he says. “With the recent birth of our son, a healthy environment has become even more important to me.”
Mike Taylor, BCCGE Steering Commitee
Mike Taylor is a sales, marketing and management professional who lives in Coquitlam. Outdoor recreation ranks high on his family’s list of activities, which include camping, fishing and swimming. This appreciation of the outdoors enhances his concern for the environment. “I think British Columbians have been blessed with a wonderful legacy,” Mike says. “But we also have a duty to be responsible stewards of the environment. So when it comes to producing energy, we have to use sustainable practices.”