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Green energy
sources for B.C.

Why B.C. needs
green energy

Why BC Hydro
can't supply it

Articles of interest

answers to
persistent myths

Who stands
in the way?

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Who’s behind B.C.’s well-funded
campaign against green energy?

The media have repeated their most outrageous myths so often that many people believe they’re true. These groups have money for ongoing speaking tours across the province. They have money for a lengthy series of heavy-handed propaganda films, prominent billboards, glossy brochures, full-page newspaper ads, sophisticated radio ads and flashy Internet banner ads.

They have full-time salaried staff working behind the scenes, salaried front-line activists and salaried public speakers. They hire expensive, sophisticated communications, public relations and advertising agencies. They also provide training and subsidies for much smaller groups around the province. They even have money to bus in people from other regions to support their own events, or to disrupt other events.

Rich and powerful as it is, the campaign presents itself as a grassroots movement. True, many well-meaning people have taken part. But they might not know who’s pulling the strings. The so-called coalition of groups opposing green energy boils down to a few names that keep coming up again and again.

Click on the links below for a run-down on each of the most prominent groups in the campaign against independently produced clean electricity.

Big money backs the campaign against clean electricity

COPE 378, home of the whopper

COPE 378 gets it wrong, wrong, wrong

More expensive propaganda from COPE 378

The Wilderness Committee’s political agenda

The Save Our Rivers Society: Money brings it from anonymity to celebrity

B.C. Citizens for Public Power: This is a grassroots group?

The Council of Canadians: Forever nationalist, sometimes

Take Back the Power... and give it to COPE 378

A Nobel Prize laureate demolishes the work of John Calvert and Marvin Shaffer

John Calvert and BC BookWorld